Drag Challenge 2016: nine-second HQ farm ute – video

Rod Browitt's HQ Holden farm ute runs a turbo LS combo and is good for nines

Videographers: Cam Inniss

You know how sometimes you can just look at a car and know that it’s going to blaze? Yeah, well Rod Browitt’s 73 HQ Ute is a prime example of that. There’s nothing here trying to look pretty, nothing that doesn’t need to be there. But pop the lid and the huge blower bolted to the 370-cube LS tells you all you need to know.

It’s backed up by a TH400 and a nine-inch running 3.5 gears; a tough combo and it needs to be because the ute dynoed in recently at 1030 neddies at the treads. Says Rod: “We ran 9.60 last year but this time we’ve got an extra 200kW. Hey, can I talk to you guys after my run; I’m kinda edgy till I’ve got my first run out of the way.”

At Drag Challenge last year, the HQ became known for its wild wheels-up launches, now after a bit more fine-tuning the car seems to be a bit tamer off the line. He could just be taking it easy on day one though, we’ll find out soon enough!

Videographers: Cam Inniss
