
Google Maps update helps find EV fast chargers

EV drivers now able to pinpoint fast chargers for their cars via latest version of Google's software

Archive Whichcar 2018 06 05 1 Google Maps Carplay

The latest version of Google Maps is now able to not only provide directions to chargers for electric vehicles, but also provide details of their wattage.

This will serve EV drivers in helping them locate which charging point will get them a faster charge – provided the faster point isn't being used.

Recharge time has long been a bugbear of EV ownership, so the extra help in finding a faster charger would certainly benefit those time-wary drivers who may not be familiar with the nearby charging network.

Searching for "EV charging stations" in Google Maps will yield results that show the location, opening hours, plug type (ie CCS, CHAdeMO, Tesla etc) and charging capability of the station.

The filter option will also let drivers choose which type of charger they're seeking – although our personal attempts on the iOS and iPadOS versions of the app provided a crash to home screen.

2022 Google Maps EV Charging Network Update 4

In comparison, Apple Maps search results will currently return only the location, opening hours and number of chargers at the location.

The update follows previous EV-centric features on Google Maps, which included charger availability and provided routing that showed best the best path based on the kind of vehicle being driven.

Andy Hunt


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