I HAVE LONG been a fan of the Leatherman range of products, and an all-time favourite that is rarely off my hip is the Leatherman Wave; it’s no surprise that it’s Leatherman’s best-selling model.
Leatherman has just released the Leatherman Wave +, which is essentially the same tool with the addition of replaceable wire cutters. I’ve had the older version for 10 years (the wire cutters are showing hardly any sign of wear), using it for everything including cutting fencing wire, gutting rabbits, snipping paper, tightening loose screws and filing a damaged locking pin. To say it has got me out of trouble on numerous occasions is understating it a bit.

I’m always amazed at the design, engineering and manufacturing involved, as well as how well the product functions, even after 10 years of solid use. One of the nicest features of the Wave is how comfortably it fits into your hands, even for the most strenuous cutting or hacking job.
So what happened to cause me to test their warranty claims? Well, it’s a long story, but I recently lost the primary knife blade to a police captain in China. Once back in Australia I contacted Zen Imports, the distributor of Leatherman in Australia, and told them of my defrocked Leatherman.
Without a blink of the eye or any questions asked regarding how old, or when and what, they told us to send it to them and it would be repaired free of charge. I’ve just got it back and it is as good as new – how’s that for service!
I was impressed, and you will be too with this incredible multi-tool.