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1970 Holden Torana Sl Lc 2.6L Petrol 2D Sedan

1970 Holden Torana Sl Lc 2.6L Petrol 2D Sedan details
Drivetrain RWD
Fuel Petrol
Transmission 3 Speed Automatic
Vehicle Segment Medium

Specifications for the 1970 Holden Torana Sl. Details include engine, fuel usage, interior features, safety and more.

Fuel and Emissions

Fuel Petrol
Fuel Type Leaded Petrol


Engine Carb
Makimum Power 85 kW

Brakes and Suspension

Front Brakes Not Provided
Rear Brakes Not Provided
Front Suspension Not Provided
Rear Suspension Not Provided


VIN Location Not Applicable
Compliance Location Not Applicable
Vehicle Segment Medium
Country Manufactured Not Provided